International Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development
Articles Information
International Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development, Vol.3, No.4, Dec. 2018, Pub. Date: Dec. 21, 2018
Environmental Impact of Wood-Energy Consumption by Households in Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Case Study of Gbadolite City, Nord-Ubangi
Pages: 64-71 Views: 1537 Downloads: 514
[01] Jean-Paul Ngbolua, Ubangi-BioXplore Project, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Department of Environment Management and Geography, Superior Pedagogical Institute of Abumombazi, Abumombazi, Democratic Republic of Congo; Department of Biology, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[02] Apollinaire Ndanga, Ubangi-BioXplore Project, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[03] Amédée Gbatea, Ubangi-BioXplore Project, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[04] Ruphin Djolu, Ubangi-BioXplore Project, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[05] Modeste Ndaba, Ubangi-BioXplore Project, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[06] Colette Masengo, Ubangi-BioXplore Project, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[07] John Likolo, Ubangi-BioXplore Project, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[08] Clarisse Falanga, Department of Biology, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[09] Séraphin Yangba, Ubangi-BioXplore Project, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[10] Benjamin Gbolo, Ubangi-BioXplore Project, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[11] Pius Mpiana, Department of Chemistry, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
In tropical Africa, wood-fuels remain the main source of energy for many people because of their availability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the environmental impact of the consumption of these biofuels by households in the city of Gbadolite. The survey was conducted among 100 households using a survey questionnaire. The real quantitative need of households for fuels and its impact on the peri-urban environment was assessed after slaughter of Zanthoxylum gilletii and manufacture of embers. Results indicate that the majority of households in the city of Gbadolite (84%) use the embers fuel (charcoal) as the main source of energy; 25% of households have a monthly income between 100,000 CDF and 150,000 CDF while only 17% of households receive more than 200,000 CDF (46% of our respondents are civil servants/government functionary); The manufacture of charcoal is a profitable activity (profitability: 47.368%) and 93% of households use at least one bag of embers per month. To meet the energy needs of households in Gbadolite, 1,714 trees must be felled each month (equivalent to 1.5 hectares of forest devastated each month, i.e. 18 hectares of peri-urban forest in one year and 90 hectares in five years). It is therefore desirable that this informal sector be taxed and that the use of improved stoves is used on a large scale. In addition, it is also essential to set up a company specializing in the creation of artificial forests (reforestation or restoration of woody vegetation) in order to sustainably support the city's supply of wood fuels.
Ember Fuel, Deforestation, Improved Stoves, Environment, Sustainable Development
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