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Who we are?

As one of the most important brads of AIS, Public Science Framework (V 0.1) is devoted to promoting the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of science and technology. It also provides a perfect circumstance for researchers and scientists in academia, university and industry to present their latest research findings in many fields of advanced science and technology to all people. Public Science Framework brings together dozens of researchers and scientists who are passionately committed to helping people appreciate the value of science and technology. Public Science Framework has grown to include schools, teachers, students, and project advisors from around the world: individuals who share the passion for science and technology. They work closely with Public Science Framework to recommend and create new projects, and to improve the existing projects.

Our mission

Our mission is to make contributions to the general public and scientific work, by providing free online access to the latest information of all advances made in any branch of scientific knowledge without financial, legal or technical barriers.

Our vision

Our vision is nothing less than realizing the universal access to researches and scientific projects, full participation in science programs by developing the conditions for researchers and knowledge to circulate freely and supporting organizations and researchers in their cooperation at international level - to drive a new era of development, growth, and innovation.

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