International Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development
Journal Introduction
International Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development is international peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to publishing significant advances covering all aspects of energy and sustainable development. The journal offers a forum for discourse on systemic challenges at the intersection of energy, sustainability and society for natural scientists, engineers, social and political scientists and industry experts. The aim of this journal is to publish inter- and cross-disciplinary articles that provide a substantial contribution to the holistic innovation of this field. The journal strives to publish early scientific opinions on issues which are just emerging and require crosscutting and creative thinking. As an Open Access journal, all scientific researchers can access the publications free of charge to enhance the impact of the articles. All articles are subject to rigorous peer-review process. The journal takes pleasure in original and creative articles.
Aims and Scope
Biogas and Waste-to-energy
Biomass Energy Carbon
Climate Change
Ecology and Sustainable Development
Energy Conservation
Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Energy-related Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control
Environmental Economics and Policy
Footprint and Environment
Hydrogen Energy
Marine Energy
Nuclear Energy
Phase Change
Solar Energy
Sustainable Bioproducts
Sustainable Engineering
Sustainable Land Development
Wind Energy
MA 02210, USA
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