International Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development
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International Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development, Vol.3, No.3, Sep. 2018, Pub. Date: Oct. 9, 2018
Determination of River Bank Erosion Probability: Vulnerability and Risk in Southern Shoreline of Bangladesh
Pages: 44-51 Views: 1896 Downloads: 758
[01] Mahdi Hasan, Department of Disaster Resilience and Engineering, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, Bangladesh.
[02] Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, Department of Geology, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[03] Abdur Rahim, Department of Disaster Resilience and Engineering, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, Bangladesh.
[04] Irteja Hasan, Department of GIS and Earth Observation, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, Bangladesh.
[05] Nusrat Jahan Methela, Department of Agriculture, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh.
[06] Shihabuddin Ahmed Imran, Department of Geography and Environment, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Riverbank erosion is one of the most critical type of disasters that takes into account the quantity of rainfall, soil structure, River morphology, topography of river, adjacent areas. Every year thousands of people have to be migrated due to this devastating disaster and thus it makes them bankrupt. Kirtonkhola River situated at Barisal is such a river who frequently makes its dwellers floating by dint of its natural character and flows. Samples were collected during field investigation and had been tested at Geotechnical laboratory of University of Dhaka. Specific gravity tests of soil sample show values describing the lowest value at 4th sample 2.23 which refers the high probability of eroding factor. Atterberg limit testing which explain about moisture content of soil present lower values. From the plasticity index it had been found 8.19, 10.3 and other proximate values which mean there are high probability of failure of riverbank slope. As the soil content low plasticity index values so those have low capacity of soil compaction and gradually will lose their stability and safety factor. Grain size analysis carried out with a view to finding out percentage of sand, silt and clay in soil. Among these soils most of them are found loose sandy soil which describes failure probability is getting higher in future. The grain size analysis it had been found that sand was 98.5% at 1st sample which means it will face eroding very soon. Sandy soil at river bank which content high amount of moisture most of the time are loose and it have high probability of failure. Hydrometer analysis also carried out and it had also same trend of values. The study suggested some steps based on people’s property, homestead and agricultural field loss which should be taken by respective authorities to protect the study area.
Riverbank Erosion, Soil, Vulnerability, Risk, Bangladesh
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