International Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development
Articles Information
International Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development, Vol.2, No.2, Jun. 2017, Pub. Date: Sep. 18, 2017
Features of Automation of Technological Processes in Oil and Gas Industry
Pages: 8-11 Views: 1763 Downloads: 416
[01] Almaz Mehdiyeva, Control and System Engineering Department, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan.
[02] Sevinj Guliyeva, Control and System Engineering Department, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Today, almost any industrial enterprise manages automated process control systems and uses HMI/SCADA software. This integrated software solution is a set of applications that provide a complete set of capabilities for the collection and storage of disparate data, their presentation to employees, subsequent analysis and, on its basis, efficient control of production processes, product quality indicators and fixed assets on-line.
Automated Control Systems, Production Processes, Environmental Monitoring, HMI/SCADA Software, İntegrated Software Solution, Application of SCADA iFix System
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