International Journal of Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems
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International Journal of Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, Vol.1, No.3, Sep. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 6, 2015
The Human Factor in Road Traffic City
Pages: 77-84 Views: 4352 Downloads: 1410
[01] Oleksii Prasolenko, Department of Transport Systems and Logistics, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
[02] Oleksii Lobashov, Department of Transport Systems and Logistics, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
[03] Andrii Galkin, Department of Transport Systems and Logistics, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
The driver while moving receives a lot of information about the character and modes of driving. In the process of information perception the driver must not only find necessary one, but also to revise, analyze, take appropriate action. Basis on this decision the driver must take action. The whole process from the perception to the action requires a certain amount of time, which may not be enough, according to traffic situations. In this case, the driver can make wrong decisions and actions. These reasons are the result of the mental state, driver fatigue, absence or insufficient experience of driving skills and others reasons. The driver while driving should keep for a long time the optimal emotional state. The most optimum state has been given quickly and effective process of proceeds from the perception of information to the implementation it to actions in traffic situations. The deviation from the optimal emotional state complicates the process of information perception and recycling process and increases the number of erroneous in driver’s actions. The study aims is measuring of the complex traffic situations impact on the driver’s emotional state. During movement process driver is faced with different traffic situations: pedestrians, “heavy traffic”, traffic jam, etc. From condition of the driver’s error’s numbers depends from his condition. Selecting the optimum driving mode allows avoiding stress while driving. It is important to identify and examine the factors that effect on the driver’s error in stressful driving situations and conditions of driver’s characters changes.
Road Traffic, Road Traffic Accidents, Critical Traffic Situations, Driver, GSR, Emotional State, Vehicle, Cities, Environment
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