International Journal of Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems
Journal Introduction
International Journal of Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems is a scholarly peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, bimonthly and fully refereed journal in the field of real time automation, control systems and intelligent systems. It aims at disseminating original research and practical systems contribution in form of research papers, tutorials, survey article from engineers, researchers and scientists in industry and academia. It welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance.
Aims and Scope
Novel Control Applications
Novel Intelligent Systems
Control Algorithms
Process Modeling
Process Simulation
Control Design Methods
Intelligent Systems Technologies
Control of Dynamic Systems
Plant Control
Mathematical Techniques for Control
Digital Control
Non-Linear Control
Automation Processes
Automation Design
Expert Systems
Neural Fuzzy Systems
MA 02210, USA
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