International Journal of Animal Biology
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International Journal of Animal Biology, Vol.4, No.3, Sep. 2018, Pub. Date: Sep. 4, 2018
Effect of Nourishment and Organic Fertilization on the Growth of Parachanna insignis (Sauvage, 1884) (Channidae) Bred in no-Drained Ponds in Democratic Republic of the Congo
Pages: 32-38 Views: 1567 Downloads: 374
[01] Jean Bernard Bosanza, Higher Institute of Agronomical Sciences of Bokonzi, Gemena City, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Faculty of Agronomical Sciences, University of Gbadolite, Gbadolite City, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Faculty of Agronomical Sciences, Protestant University of Ubangi, Gemena City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[02] Michel Mongeke, Higher Institute of Agronomical Sciences of Bokonzi, Gemena City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[03] Pascal Bobuya, Higher Institute of Agronomical Sciences of Bokonzi, Gemena City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[04] Benjamin Bedi, Higher Institute of Agronomical Sciences of Bokonzi, Gemena City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[05] Serge Maboga, Higher Institute of Agronomical Sciences of Bokonzi, Gemena City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[06] Gédéon Bongo, Department of Biology, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[07] Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Gbadolite, Gbadolite City, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Department of Biology, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Higher Pedagogical Institute of Abumombazi, Nord Ubangi City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Fish are a very important and popular food source in the world and provide almost 22% of protein intake in Sub-Saharan Africa according to FAO. The main goal of the current research was to assess the impact of feeding and organic fertilization on the growth of P. insignis in non-drainable ponds. In Africa, snakehead fish of Parachanna genus contain potential species for aquaculture and is considered as a valuable food fish because of their high quality meat and important nutritional value, and it is mainly produced in aquaculture. This research was carried out in the Bokonzi Groupement located in Bomboma district, Kungu Territory, Province of Sud Ubangi in DRC. The biological material was the snakehead fish (P. insignis), a non-identified strain of which alevins were collected in natural water bodies. The experimental set-up adopted is that of completely randomized blocks, at a two-level factor, with a repetition having in each case the two treatments distributed randomly in two ponds. The fish were reared in 4 fishponds with an average size of 0.5 are. The influence of the combination of agricultural product (rice bran) and organic fertilizer (goat droppings) was tested within 3 months to test in growing performances of snakehead fish, bred in no-drained pond. Growing performances gotten are interesting: Rice bran combined with organic fertilization profit well to snakehead fish growing with 1.348 g/day of weight advantage against 0.765g/day for the witness. Its breeding can be proposed to increase the production of fish farming in the study area.
Pond, Fertilization, Feeding, Parachanna Insignis, Democratic Republic of the Congo
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