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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.1, No.2, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 24, 2015
Work-Family Role Conflict and Absenteeism Among the Dyad
Pages: 145-154 Views: 7261 Downloads: 2227
John N. N. Ugoani, College of Management and Social Sciences, Rhema University, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria.
The study was designed to explore the degree of relationship between work-family role conflict and absenteeism among the dyad. Quantitative method was used for the investigation. A survey questionnaire based on the Likert Scale served to collect data regarding the perceptions of 300 participants from six different occupations on issues such as work demands, family demands, social demands, job knowledge, among others. Chi-square statistical method was employed to check the relationship between work-family role conflict and absenteeism. With a Chi-square value of 20.47 against the table value of 9.48 at 0.05 level of significance, and with 4 degrees of freedom, this study found strong positive relationship between work-family role conflict and absenteeism.
Spillover, Compensation, Segmentation, Work-Family Role Conflict, Absenteeism, Dyad
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