Advances in Applied Psychology
Journal Introduction
Advances in Applied Psychology emphasizes the publication of original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to fields of applied psychology. Applied psychology is the use of psychological principles and theories to overcome problems in real life situations. Mental health, organizational psychology business management, education, health, product design, ergonomics, and law are just a few of the areas that have been influenced by the application of psychological principles and findings. It also includes many other areas covering clinical psychology, counseling psychology, industrial and organizational psychology and so on. Scholars from all relevant academic fields are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts.
Aims and Scope
Clinical Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Occupational Health Psychology
Human Factors
Forensic Psychology
Engineering Psychology
School Psychology
Sports Psychology
Community Psychology
Individual Differences
Testing and Personnel Selection
Performance Measurement and Management
Training, Learning, and Skill Acquisition
Work Motivation
Job Attitudes, Affect, and Emotions
Team Development, Processes, and Effectiveness
Career Development
Work and Family Interface
Work Stress, Health, and Well-Being
Positive and Negative Work Behaviors
Diversity and Cross-Cultural Differences
Technology and Work Systems
Expertise and Knowledge Management
Creativity, Innovation, and Adaptation
Organizational Design, Change, and Interventions
MA 02210, USA
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