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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.1, No.1, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 16, 2015
Medical and Socio-demographic Features of Elderly Patient Population Attending Primary Health Care Facilities in Dubai, UAE
Pages: 10-14 Views: 4010 Downloads: 1315
Al Yousef N. J., Preventive Services Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Hussein H., School and Educational Institutions Health Unit, Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Al Faisal W., School and Educational Institutions Health Unit, Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Makhlouf M. M., Community Medicine Residency training Program, Doha, Qatar.
Wasfy A., Statistics and Research Department, Ministry of Health, Dubai, UAE.
Background: The social and biological characteristics of the elderly make them a unique population as manifestations of ill health are sufficiently distinct from the rest of the population. They experience a greater level of morbidity and are relatively frequent users of medical services. Objectives: To study the medical and socio-demographic characteristics of elderly patients in Dubai. Methodology: A cross sectional approach was utilized. It was conducted in Primary Health Care centres affiliated to Dubai Health Authority; including family, and geriatric clinics which provide elderly care. The minimum sample size required is 384. Stratified random sample with proportional allocation was utilized. The stratification was based upon the two medical regions of DHA (Deira and Burr Dubai), and clinic type (Geriatric, and Family clinics). Structured standard interview questionnaire was used. Results: Overall, Dyslipidaemia was diagnosed in the majority of participants (92.7%), followed by hypertension (70.3%) and diabetes mellitus (68.5%). Osteoarthritis was reported among almost one-third of patients (35.2%) while osteoporosis among 8.3% and ischemic heart diseases was reported by 19.3% of them. Considering gender difference, dislypidemia was reported among 94.9% and 89.8% of females and males respectively with statistically significant difference (X2=3.65, P<0.05). Similarly, 40.1% of females as opposed to 28.7% of males reported osteoarthritis, X2=5.33, P=0.014. Osteoporosis was reported among 12.9% and 2.4% of females and males respectively with statistically significant difference (X2=13.64, P<0.001). Hypothyroidism was diagnosed in 10.1% of females as compared to 4.2% of males, X2=4.78, P<0.05. Other diseases (for males mainly IBS, BPH, hemiplegia, and for females mainly cancer) were more reported among males than females with significant difference, X2=21.33, P<0.001. Conclusions: It has been concluded that elderly patients do have specific medical morbidities as well as relevant socio-demographic features which are very important in planning and designing of the nature and health care services to be provided for elderly population in Dubai. Elderly health status evaluation can help in giving feedback to medical staff and improving elderly health care programs.
Medical, Socio-Demographic, Elderly Patients, Dubai
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