Journal of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Journal Introduction
Journal of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics is an international peer reviewed open access journal. It explores the research under subject areas of numerical analysis and applied mathematics. This journal is concerned with the science and technology of numerical analysis and applied mathematics in all major disciplines. The journal is directed to the broad spectrum of researchers in numerical methods throughout science and engineering, and publishes high quality original articles in all fields of numerical analysis and applied mathematics. Articles addressing new numerical algorithms and techniques, demonstrating the potential of some novel ideas, describing experiments involving new models and simulations for practical problems are also suitable topics for the journal.
Aims and Scope
Applied Combinatorics
Coding Theory
Computational Logic
Control Theory
Differential Equations with Applications
Discrete Optimization
Fuzzy Theory with Applications
Linear Algebra
Linear and Nonlinear Programming
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Differential Equations
Theory of Algorithms
Theory of Computation
MA 02210, USA
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