Public Health and Preventive Medicine
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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.7, No.1, Mar. 2021, Pub. Date: Jul. 26, 2021
Assessment of Medical Workers’ Awareness in Dealing with Suspected Cases of Coronavirus in Albaha District
Pages: 11-18 Views: 1220 Downloads: 198
[01] Fahad Abdallah Al-Khathaami, Ministry of Health, Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
[02] Mohamed Awad Elkarim Mohamed Ibrahim, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Albaha University, Albaha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
[03] Azhari Abdelhafeez Mohammed Nour, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Albaha University, Albaha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The respiratory system is exposed to many infectious viruses, among which is Coronavirus. Coronaviruses comprise a large family of viruses that can cause a variety of illnesses, such as common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). This new Coronavirus is now known as, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Incidences of infection along with the causative agent, a bout Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), have not been determined; however, the mortality rate among those who received clinical care is 65%. Since Coronavirus was first described in September 2012, over 90 cases have been reported worldwide, whereby 70 cases were reported in Saudi Arabia alone. This study aims to assess health care providers’ awareness in dealing with suspected cases of Coronavirus in AL-BAHA district. The study aimed at assessing health care providers' awareness in dealing with suspected cases of Coronavirus in the study area. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, it was conducted in hospitals and health centre’s in Al-Baha District. Participants include the health care providers (doctors 58 and nurses 96). The sample size was calculated according to Steven Thompson equation. The calculated sample size was 154 participants. The data were collected using questionnaire. The findings reveal that insufficient awareness regarding Coronavirus including the modes of transmission 51.3%.
Coronavirus, Health Care Providers, Emerging Disease, and HCWs’
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