Public Health and Preventive Medicine
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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.4, No.4, Dec. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 31, 2018
The Perceptions of Tuberculosis and Its Stigma Among TB Patients in Damascus, Syria Arab Republic
Pages: 148-154 Views: 1995 Downloads: 576
[01] Noman Ahmed Yahya Alhatemi, Ministry of Health and Population, Al-Hodeida, Yemen.
[02] Rabaa Hamad Hassanen, Community Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
[03] Khaldoon Aied Alnawafleh, Department of Nursing, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Princess Aisha Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Ma’an, Jordan.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of illness and death worldwide and its' stigma is an important social determinant of health. The study aimed to investigate how TB patients experienced stigma associated with their disease. A qualitative study using semi-structure interviews was carried out in 18 primary health care centers in Damascus, the capital city in Syrian Arab Republic. Proposal sampling was used for recruiting 40 TB patients 23 women and 17 men. Majority of study participants have had misperceptions to TB and it consequences. Understanding of transmission model was more common among women than man, especially adult. All participants reported that they are sham and embarrass from TB disease. Hide disease as family's advice was common. Thirty one out of 40 (77.5%) of participants had been experienced with discrimination, and individually isolation from their family, friends, co-workers, other clients and health care providers. Physical and emotion problems were common among participants, especially among women and adult participants. The study findings have been provided the evidence for high stigma related to TB in Damascus, and for lack of TB patient's information about their disease including the consequences of TB. Further studies are necessary to address different of causes of discrimination and stigma with different community groups. Important recommendation is developing health education campaigns to improve of community's knowledge about TB transmission methods and reduce discrimination.
Tuberculosis, Perception, Stigma, Discrimination and Isolation
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