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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2018, Pub. Date: May 28, 2018
Applying Transtheoratical Model and Stages of Change, Regarding Tobacco Cessation, Among Students, University of Elimam Elmahdi, Sudan 2011-2014
Pages: 11-17 Views: 1866 Downloads: 582
Abdalla Hasballa Elmanna, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Public Health Program, Elimam Elmahdi University, Kosti City, Sudan.
Tobacco is the single greatest preventable cause of death in the world today, killing up to half the people who use it. The TTM has been successfully applied to many health behaviors including tobacco cessation in various settings including universities and schools. The study aim to assess the role of health education regarding tobacco cessation: Applying Transtheoratical Model and Stages of change. The study conducted in Elimam Elmahdi University which located in White Nile State, Sudan. A case control study was conducted. (n=174) students for interventional group and (n=156) for control group. A pre and post tested constructed questionnaires were distributed to respondents, with follow up of 3 years from 2011-2014. Data analyzed with statistical package for social sciences, statistical t test for paired samples was used for the significant. A (P value of 0.05 or less) was considered statistically significant. The transtheoratical model and stages, precontemplation, contemplation, preparation action and maintenance were examined. Significant and different relationships between case and control groups were found (6.3%) of students from intervention group successfully maintained stopped tobacco usage with no change in control group. (3.5%) of targets from intervention group increased in action stage compared with (1.9%) in control group, (23.8%) increased in preparation stage compared with (4.5% (in control group, (27.1%) decreased in contemplation stage in intervention group compared with (3.8%) in control group and decreased of (7.5%) in precont emplation stage in intervention group compared with (2.6%) in control group.
Cessation, Change, Model, Nicotine, Prevalence, Stages, Transtheoratical, Tobacco
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