Public Health and Preventive Medicine
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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.3, No.6, Dec. 2017, Pub. Date: Feb. 5, 2018
Mother’s Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Regarding Complementary Feeding for Children Age 06-24 Months in Kurrum Agency of FATA Pakistan
Pages: 33-42 Views: 2171 Downloads: 3489
[01] Fazal Dad, Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan.
[02] Ijaz Habib, Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Complementary feeding refers to the timely introduction of safe and nutritional foods in addition to breastfeeding. Complementary feeding interventions targeting this ‘critical window’ are most efficient in reducing malnutrition and promoting adequate growth and development It is well-recognized that the period of 6 to 24 months of age is one of the most critical time periods in the growth of the infant. The incidence of stunting is the highest in this period as children have high demand for nutrients and there are limitations in the quality and quantity of available foods, especially after exclusive breastfeeding. The present study reveals 61% of mothers initiate their breast milk soon after delivery, 27% one day after birth and 10% mothers initiate their breast milk 2-3 days after birth. The initiation of complementary food at the age of 8 months, 6 month and 4-5 months were 27%, 57% and 16% respectively. The frequency recorded for complementary food were 32% twice a day and 69% thrice a day. 61% mothers reported that the different food groups should be selected for complementary feeding for maintaining dietary diversity and variety of food for balanced food. The mother’s attitude about feeding during illness were examined and 35% mothers reported the quantity and frequency should be decreased during illness. 16% withheld the quantity and frequency, 38% maintain same quantity and amount and only 11% reported to increase the amount and frequency during child illnesses. 53% mothers believes in food taboos and are related to children illnesses if included in complementary foods, out of which 36% believes that Banana, yogurt and rice are cold in nature that can cause chest infection or cough if introduced in complementary feeding and 33% reported that meat, pulses, nuts and egg are hot and hard in nature to digest that can cause diarrhea or lose motion in children if included in the complementary feeding of children. Evaluating the mother practices related to hygiene and complementary feeding, 26% mothers were washing hands as usual with simple water, 45% washing hands before preparation of complementary food, 23% were washing hands with soap while only 7% mothers were using boil water. Practice related to complementary feeding initiation, 16% mothers introduced complementary food before 6 months of child age, 72% at the age of 6 months while 13% at the age of 1 year.
KAP, Complementary Feeding, Children Age 06-24 Months, Stunting
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