Public Health and Preventive Medicine
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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.1, No.1, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Mar. 25, 2015
Spread of Communicable Diseases in Post Disaster Scenario
Pages: 10-16 Views: 5940 Downloads: 1627
[01] Muhammad Yasar Shah, Civil Engineering Wing, MCE Risalpur, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
[02] Arshad Ali, Civil Engineering Wing, MCE Risalpur, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
[03] Maqbol Sadiq Awan, Civil Engineering Wing, MCE Risalpur, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
In post disasters scenario communicable diseases results in challenges in the form of deaths and burden of disease on system. This study investigated the association of natural disasters with communicable diseases in internally displaced people and their health outcomes. The purpose and objective of this paper is to identify and quantify the risk of spread of communicable diseases in post disaster scenario, identify innovative opportunities to deal with these issue with the aim of improving public health and encouraging sustainable development process in Pakistan by highlighting the key protective measures and risk factors of communicable diseases and its burden, which will help in managing this problem through multi-disciplinary, incorporated, and multi-sectoral approaches. There are certain risk factors which promote and enhance the spread and transmission of communicable diseases like acute watery diarrhea, measles, malaria, polio and acute respiratory infection. This burden in the form of mortality and morbidity preventable as successful interventions are available. Effective disease surveillance, adequate and clean water supply, properly planned and ventilated shelter, sufficient food, proper hygiene and sanitation along with immunization, awareness and health education is critical. Delivery of the services is often compromised by damage to infrastructure, poor coordination and central command system, insecurity, religious extremism, and loss of health staff. Existing intervention must be implemented in more coordinated and systematic way in post disaster settings, preparedness plans must include Sphere standards to effectively prepare for outbreaks. Further research is necessary to identify effective interventions.
Disasters, Environment, Communicable Diseases, Surveillance
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