Public Health and Preventive Medicine
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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.2, No.2, Apr. 2016, Pub. Date: Apr. 14, 2016
Evaluation of Water and Environmental, Sanitation Hygiene Project for Host Community and Refugees, White Nile State Sudan, 2015
Pages: 6-14 Views: 2982 Downloads: 873
[01] Abdalla Hasballa Elmanna, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al Baha University, Al Baha, Saudi Arabia.
[02] Omer Yosuof Mohamed Ali, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al Baha University, Al Baha, Saudi Arabia.
[03] Ali Khalaf Ahmed Albaggar, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al Baha University, Al Baha, Saudi Arabia.
Water and environmental sanitation hygiene emergency (WASH) project started in White Nile State, in early September 2014 funded by CAFOD and UNICEF implemented by SIDO and White Nile State authorities. This paper aimed to evaluate the performance of Water and Environmental, Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) project activities on host community (Gory) & refugees (Alagaya) Households, from September 2014 to February 2015. The sample size representing 10% of total HHs in Gory and Alagaya. The evaluation found that aimed at ensuring that 100% of the respondents benefiting from its WASH project activities in Alagaya. The project also achieved its target of constructing of 100% of the latrines according to Sphere indicator in Alagaya camp. The survey found that 100% of the Alagaya respondents had used the latrine constructed by the project and 56% of the Gory used their private latrine and all community engage on constructing a new latrine according to CLTS approaches supervised by SIDO. Most of respondents 98%, 96%from Gory &Alagaya respectively mentioned that they would wash their hands with soap after defecation and before eating, and evaluation found that 22.5% and 66.9% of children in Alagaya camp Gory respectively washing their hands after defecation and before eating respectively. There were decreased of diarrheal disease 11% in Alagaya and 27% in Gory village.
Environmental, Hygiene, Sanitation, Community, Refugees, Evaluation, Health Promotion
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