Public Health and Preventive Medicine
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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 23, 2015
Factors Affecting Treatment Complianceof Heart Failure Patients in Sudan
Pages: 120-124 Views: 4557 Downloads: 1689
[01] Mugahed AL-khadher, Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Sudan International University, Khartoum, Sudan; Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, AlNeelain University, Khartoum, Sudan.
[02] Imad Fadl-Elmula, Al Neelain University, Faculty of Medicine, Khartoum – Sudan.
Introduction: Heart failure is known to affect cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, the present study aimed toidentify most common factors affecting compliance to treatment among Sudanese patients with heart failure. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted during January –October 2014on all heart failure patients (132) admittedto the Sudan heart Institute. Demographic and clinical data were collected from all patients and analyzed using SPSS version 20 software. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean with standard deviation (SD) Chi-square, P value of ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The result of present study revealed that overall of 132 patients’ compliance ranged between 7 (5.3%) and 117(88.6%) of the patients, the high rate of compliance was found in medications 117 (88.6%), and follow –up appointment keeping 108 (81.8)%. barriers or reasons of not complying with treatment compliance and life style modification were determined, the mainreasons were stopping medication due to; cost of the medications 56(42.4%), lack of knowledge to comply with the dietary restrictions102 (77.2%), lack of knowledge to weight himself daily 111(84.0%), lack of knowledge to comply with the dietary high in potassium 113(85.6%), and lack of knowledge to avoid drinking excess fluids 106(80.3%). Conclusion: The study showed that the knowledge seem to be main cause of non-compliance. Thus, education and counseling are extremely needed to increased patients-knowledge about their disease, in general to decreasing the level of non-complianceand to promoting of achieving the positive medical care outcomes as possible.
Heart Failure, Treatment Compliance, Factors, Sudan
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