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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.2, May 2015, Pub. Date: May 20, 2015
Role of National R&D Institutes in Devising Novel Strategies for Empowerment of Weaker Sections of Society in India
Pages: 138-145 Views: 4858 Downloads: 1287
Seema Shukla, Department of Chemistry, Government Degree College, Pihani, Hardoi, U. P., India.
Daya N. Mani, Herbal Medicinal Products Department, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, U. P., India.
India has a rich scientific base and is marching ahead as a knowledge-based economy. It has several government-funded R&D institutions (under Indian Council of Agricultural Research [ICAR], Council of Scientific and Industrial Research [CSIR], Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR], Department of Biotechnology [DBT], Department of Science and Technology [DST], etc) that have mandates that ultimately aim towards empowerment of weaker sections of society and eradication of poverty mainly in rural areas. Significant among the R&D institutes are the ones that have launched programs for agro-based small-scale rural entrepreneurship. As an example, CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow has launched a mission Sakshama scheme that honors/awards women entrepreneurs in the area of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs). One of the pioneering activity under this mission has been training rural women on making rose water and agarbattis (incense sticks) by reusing rose flower petals offered to the deity at temples. This scheme is eco-friendly as well as helps women to earn additional income through self employment. The unique Biovillage Mission approach of CSIR-CIMAP has been instrumental in catalyzing the establishment of functional value chains between the four major partners (farmers, industry, financial bodies and scientists) of MAP products trade. The ICAR has also played a key role in the Green Revolution and subsequent agricultural improvements in India through its R&D that has enabled the country to increase its agricultural production. This paper discusses case studies from Indian R&D institutes that have made a significant impact on societal development through empowerment of weaker sections of society.
Biotechnology, Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Mission, R&D
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