Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.3, Jul. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 6, 2015
An Assessment of the Human Resource Capacity for Quality Clinical Training of Middle Level Health Workers in Kenya
Pages: 208-214 Views: 5245 Downloads: 1145
[01] Elizabeth Ochieng, Department of Community Health, Great Lakes University of Kisumu, Kisumu, Kenya.
[02] Margaret Kaseje, Department of Community Health, Great Lakes University of Kisumu, Kisumu, Kenya.
Competency-based health workforce training among public, faith-based and private sector institutions is essential to ensure a continuous supply of adequately trained health care workers. However, competency-based training is often lacking for middle level health workforce. A cross-sectional study carried out in Kenya in 2013 among 43 training and placement institutions aimed at determining the human resource capacities that affect the quality of clinical training of middle level health workers. A third of the 200 purposively selected respondents from public, private and faith-based institutions chose clinical placement institutions for experience and based on high patient; two thirds were not satisfied with mentorship and mentioned lack of clinical instructors to support them. Supervision was constrained by staff shortage and lack of motivation. Students’ mentorship, supervision and clinical instruction play an important role in student learning and clinical placement. The study supports the need to reconsider the required training workforce for quality clinical skills and competencies for the health workforce.
Clinical Placement, Mentorship, Supervision, Human Resource for Health
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