Articles Information
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.2, May 2015, Pub. Date: May 18, 2015
Social and Cultural Impact of Migration on Albanian Society After 1990s
Pages: 114-118 Views: 4345 Downloads: 1338
Denisa Titili, Department of Social Sciences, “Fan S. Noli” University, Korçë, Albania.
Internal and international migration is one of the most dynamic and specifying phenomenon of Albanian society after 1990. Albanian society has undergone a series of economic, social and cultural changes caused by the increasing flows of internal and international migration. Referring to these changes we aim to analyze based on a sociological perspectivethe complexity ofmigration phenomenon and its impact on social and cultural plan.The focus of this study is Korça city which represents a social and cultural environment characterized by the phenomenon of massive displacement of population from rural areas to the city, as well as of migration to Greece. Data for this paper will be provided by in-depth interviews, which enable us to understand Albanian migration trajectories, as well as the degree of social and cultural integration of migrants.This study provides new insights into line with existing studies and sheds light on integration process between subcultures in local context of Korça city.
Rural to Urban Migration, International Migration, Cultural Diversity, Social Integration
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