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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, No.2, Jun. 2020, Pub. Date: Apr. 7, 2020
Voter’s Turnout in the 2019 Gubernatorial Elections in Kaduna State: A Case Study of Chikum Local Government Area of Kaduna State
Pages: 60-66 Views: 1421 Downloads: 817
Yunana Yakubu Aku, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria.
Yunana Titus Wuyah, Department of Economics and Management Science, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil-Kano, Nigeria.
The study assessed Voters Turnout in the 2019 Gubernatorial Election in Kaduna State: (A Case Study of Chikum Local Government Area). Rational choice theory was used for this study. This study is a non-experimental research setting based on survey design. It involves the gathering of information about the voter’s turnout and 2019 governorship election in Chikum local government, Kaduna State. A total of 70 questionnaires were distributed, and all the 70 were recovered successfully. The questionnaire was analysed using simple descriptive statistics and frequency tables. The statistical analysis used in this study revealed that people came out to vote during the 2019 gubernatorial election in Chikum local government but not as expected. Majority of the respondents believed that they refused to come out and vote during the 2019 gubernatorial election in Chikum because they were discourage with the outcome of the presidential election result as it does not reflect the true nature of the votes cast during the election. It implies to them that the same will happen in the gubernatorial election as their votes will not be counted. The objective of the research is to Assess Voter Turnout in Chikum Local Government Area of Kaduna State during the 2019 Gubernatorial Election in Kaduna. The recommendations of this study suggested that there should be a proposed promotion of compulsory voting with provisions for it’s in the constitution. A situation where an eligible voter does not vote, they should be subjected punitive measures such as fines and imprisonment will help address the issue of low turnout in elections.
Voters, Turnout, Election, Constitution, Kaduna State
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