Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.3, Jul. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 13, 2015
Averroes and His Using Plato's Republic in History
Pages: 229-234 Views: 5626 Downloads: 2764
[01] Mohammadreza Shahidipak, Faculty of Arts and humanity and literature, Department of History Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Classical Greek Social-political philosophy belongs to Plato and Aristotle and is based on the paradigm of liberty of human wisdom in presenting values in order to manage its life. Averroes (1126) re-examined the Greece philosophy and collected and explained the works and traces of Aristotle and this resulted in the development of philosophy and emergence a new global philosophy in Spain. In Averroes’s view, philosophy does not belong to Greece, and its universal truth has no limitation of nation, time or place. Representing the mentioned paradigm destroyed the cultural unity of the medieval world. Paper investigated the basic element of political philosophy as freedom, justice, ruler’s attributions, good life, philosophical description of cities and role of education and public law, right ,emotion, reason in facing of cities ;based on a commentary of Plato’s Republic by Averroes .He used terminology of political philosophy of Plato with Aristotelian view. Interpretation of social and political philosophy of Plato by Averroes in west of Islamic world is the most important cultural phenomenon in history of philosophy have conserved still his vastinfluence. Averroes is famous and remarkable philosopher and jurist believed in priority of reason and philosophy .He was excommunicated in eastern and western of Islamic world and in Europe but he still has any successors of Jew, Christians and Islamic philosophers and free scholar in the world. His philosophy is real spirit of medieval philosophy. He introduced philosophy as best epitome of thinking and contemplation in Islamic civilization and culture. He establish special language and hermeneutics for research in philosophy and humanity sciences and his method for political analyse of Islamic history of medieval is upon using philosophical theory in history. His discussions and criticises on Republic is third steps for establishing the classic political philosophy in Islamic world .he determined method and structure of understanding and interpretation of texts in medieval. He established fundamental principle of natural law theory. Some political thought of Averroes is different of Plato's Republic and some is paradoxical and some social thought of Averroes is just opposite to thoughts of Plato as programing for education in cities. The problem is if Averroes has formulated an independent political philosophy, if violation of Plato’s view in ruler’s attributes is a paradox in Averroes’s political philosophy.
Greece, Plato, Aristotle, Wisdom, Freedom, Justice, Averroes, Ruler, Cities, Education, Law
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