Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.2, Jun. 2019, Pub. Date: Apr. 10, 2019
Sensory Branding in Tourism Promotion
Pages: 65-69 Views: 1528 Downloads: 777
[01] Branislav Ranisav Tanasic, Adult Education, University of the People, Sabac, Serbia.
[02] Nenad Branislav Tanasic, Faculty of Management - FAM, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia.
Indeed, the real question is to what extent modern promotional techniques can exert an influence on consumers during the decision-making process on a particular purchase? This impact will be explored through the influence of sensory branding at the point of sale of the tourist product. For the purposes of this research, a virtual travel agency was established. Participants were presented with promotional materials of five popular tourist destinations. The real influence of sensory branding as an addition to classical tourism promotion explored with the help of EEG device. The scan was done on two occasions. During the first scan, reactions to the presented content were recorded, after which respondents filled in the questionnaire. After a pause and refreshment, the scan was repeated with the broadcast of the same promotional material but now enriched with the appropriate music, and the occasional broadcast of scented accessories. Statistically processed and compared data indicate the positive impact of sensory branding on all subjects. This actually means that the sensory branding has positively influenced the added attention and interest not only for the best-placed tourist destination from the questionnaire, but during the second scan consideration, and interest for the weakest placed destination has increased considerably too.
Neuromarketing, Sensory Branding, EEG Device, Neuron, Brain, Tourism, Destination
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