Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.5, No.2, Jun. 2019, Pub. Date: Apr. 10, 2019
Teachers’ Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and Its Practices in Religious and Moral Education (RME) Curriculum in Ghana
Pages: 56-64 Views: 1657 Downloads: 685
[01] Solomon Appiah, Department of Art and Social Sciences, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
[02] Joseph Mfum-Appiah, Department of Art and Social Sciences, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
The study was conducted to find out teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in the teaching of RME in the Aowin District of the Western Region. The descriptive survey was the design. The population included all RME students and teachers in the Aowin District. However, a sample population of 33 RME teachers and 98 students were used for the study through simple random sampling technique. Data was analysed using both descriptive. The data was organized into tables, frequencies, percentages and means in line with the research questions which guided the study. The study revealed concluded that, though teachers have adequate skills in blending technology, pedagogy and content, they seldom put to practice these skills in the classroom. The implication is that, as a nation we are not getting the best out of our teachers. From the conclusion, it is recommended that since teachers seldom put into practice what they have, teacher preparation programmes should provide opportunities for potential teachers to learn more skills in integrating technology, content and pedagogy. It is further recommended that, supervisors in basic schools including head teachers and circuit supervisors should strengthen their supervisory activities on what teachers do in the classroom rather than concentrating on what teachers say they can do or are doing.
Teachers’, Technological, Pedagogical, Content, Knowledge, Practices, Religious and Moral Education, Curriculum, Junior High Schools, Aowin, Municipality, Ghana
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