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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.3, No.3, May 2017, Pub. Date: Oct. 17, 2017
Migration Dilemma and Safety of Migrants at Work Place
Pages: 19-22 Views: 1967 Downloads: 558
Arisukwu Ogadimma, Department of Sociology, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria.
Migration at various levels affords migrants the opportunity to move from their point of origin through a transit point to their point of destination. This movement of people is most often triggered by political crisis, natural disasters and socioeconomic push factors. As people move, they move with their culture and value orientations into an unknown land with different cultural and value orientations. This cultural shock creates suspicion and lack of trust between migrants and their destination communities. This dilemma is made worse due to global economic challenges and terrorism. Also poor political leadership and wars have also increased the desperation of migrants to seek survival and livelihood elsewhere even it means endangering their lives in the process. Migrants are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse at both working place and within their destination communities. Developing nations like Nigeria have had their fair share of migration challenges and abuse at work place. Migration should be seen as an opportunity for cultural and socioeconomic exchange and interactions, which could be positively harnessed for the development of human societies. Focus should be on the quality of migrants and the potentials they have to add value to the socioeconomic realities of both their origin and destination communities. Migration could be perceived as a platform of socioeconomic development in any nation regardless of its status as either origin or destination.
Global Economic Challenges, Migration, Exploitation, Abuse
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