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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.5, Nov. 2015, Pub. Date: Jan. 6, 2016
The Effect of Parental Involvement and Socioeconomic Status on Elementary Students’ Mathematics Achievement
Pages: 521-527 Views: 3097 Downloads: 1624
Yazan Alghazo, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Alkhobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Runna Alghazo, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Alkhobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The study aims to investigate any relationships among Parental Involvement (PI), Socioeconomic Status of parents (SES), and students’ Mathematics Achievement (SMA). Quantitative data collection methods were utilized to collect relevant data for the three variables. The sample included parents of male and female students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. The sample included 36 male students, and 31 female students. The results revealed statistically significant relationship between socioeconomic status and parental involvement, a positive relationship between parental involvement at home (PIH) and students’ mathematics achievement (SMA), no relationship between parental involvement at school (PISC) and students’ mathematics achievement (SMA), and a positive relationship between parents’ employment status and SMA, and parents’ education level and SMA, while no relationship was found between family income and SMA. The findings are thoroughly discussed and recommendations for further research and practice are introduced, specifically with regard to curriculum development and the design of parent-school communication programs.
Parental Involvement, Mathematics Achievement, Socioeconomic Status
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