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Journal of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, Vol.6, No.2, Jun. 2020, Pub. Date: Nov. 23, 2020
Experimental Evaluation of Physical Characteristics of Nano Oil in the Pilot Plant of Laboratory Well Column
Pages: 8-12 Views: 1350 Downloads: 249
Amin Rokni, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Firoozabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozabad, Iran.
Farshad Farahbod, Department of Chemical Engineering, Firoozabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozabad, Iran.
This is more important especially about the new type of oil which contains nano particle. In this study, the dimensionless groups and thermo physic parameters of the nano oil are considered to determine the nano oil behaviour. The increase or decrease trend in values are the same for both nano oil and simple oil. Flowing in the adiabatic tube increases the oil temperature and changes the value of physical parameters. Maximum deviation between values of simple and nano oil belongs to the kinematic viscosity which the nano oil values are 28% lower than values obtained for simple oil. Results state, the decrease in the value of heat capacity despite of increase in the temperature due to the friction may relate to the structural properties of the simple and nano oil. In addition, the difference between values of heat capacity of simple and nano oil is averagely about 0.6%. the presented results show, the somwhat increase in the amount of Pr can be seen for both simple and nano type. Addition of nano ferric oxide decreases the value of Pr. The average deviation between values of Pr number of simple and nano oil is about 5.4%. also, the nano addition in oil increases the value of shear stress. Changes in value of shear stress for nano oil is higher than that is obtained for simple oil. According to the experimental results, changes in Reynolds and Prantle number, the changes in peclet number can be considered.
Crude Oil, Nano Oil, Pilot Plant, Well Column, Physical Characteristics
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