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Journal of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, Vol.2, No.4, Aug. 2016, Pub. Date: Aug. 19, 2016
Observations of the Effect of Nano Chitosan Against the Locust Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Pages: 28-33 Views: 4153 Downloads: 1897
Sabbour M. M., Department of Pests and Plant Protection, Dep. National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
The effect of Chitosan and nano Chitosan tested on the target insect pest Schistocerca gregaria. Results obtained showed that, under laboratory conditions, the LC50of the newly hatched is recorded, 278, 244 233, 247 and 241 ppm for newly hatched, nymphs, Last nymphal stage Adult ♀ and Adult ♂ respectively. Also, when S. gregaria treated with nano- Chitosan, the LC50s obtained 268,204,213,231, and 132 ppm for Newly hatched, nymph, Last nymphal stage, Adult ♀ and Adult ♂, respectively after treated with nano-Chitosan. Also, results recorded that, the Number of egg laid/femal±SE recorded, 158±2.2 and 88±0.01 eggs / female after treated with Chitosan and nano- Chitosanas compared to 258±3.11 eggs / female in the control (Table 2). The % of Adult ♀ and % of Adult ♂ significantly decreased to 18 and 10 after nano-Chitosantreatments as compared to 99 and 99% in the control. Our results showed, under semi field conditions, the number of S. gregaria were significantly decreased after the Chitosanand nano-Chitosantreatment, the number of infestations with S. gregaria decreased to 29±3.6 and 8±1.1 individuals after120 days of treatments.
Locust, Schistocerca gregaria, Chitosan, Nano
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