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Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, Vol.1, No.3, Jul. 2015, Pub. Date: May 26, 2015
Detection of Urban Change and Urban Sprawl of Madurai City, Tamilnadu Using GIS and RS
Pages: 107-120 Views: 7002 Downloads: 2942
Tamilenthi S., Dept. of Geography, Kalinga University, Raipur, India.
Arul P., Dept. of Geography, Govt. Arts College (Auto), Salem, India.
Chandramohan K., UGC-Academic Staff College, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
There has been rapid change in the land use and land-cover types in Madurai city, Tamilnadu in the past 26 years. The major change is the conversion of agriculture and forest lands into urban areas mostly in an un-planned manner making urban sprawl characterizing the urban change dynamics. The principal aim of this research was to apply remotely sensed data, geospatial tools to detect, quantify, analyze, and detect the urban land use changes of Madurai city. Madurai City, located in South Central Tamil Nadu, is the second largest city after Chennai and is the headquarters of Madurai District. In 2011, the jurisdiction of the Madurai Corporation was expanded from 72 wards to 100 wards covering area 151 Sq.Kms. It is extended geographically from 9o50‟ North latitude to 10o North latitude and 78o 02‟ East longitude to 78º12‟ East longitude, and approximately 100 m above MSL. The corporation limit was extended from 52.18 km2 to 147.9 km2 in 2011. As per 2011 census the population of the city is 15.35 lakhs. The city spreads over 147.9 km2 which divided into 100 wards for administrative purpose. The ultimate objective of the research is to detect the land use/land-cover change of Madurai city from 1980 to 2006. Satellite images of Madurai city at different periods, 1980, 1990, and 2006 were analyzed. The software programs that have been used in this study to process, quantify, analyze and change detection are ArcGIS 9.2, ArcMap and ERADAS 2013.Change detection techniques namely post classification comparison (indirect method) and image-to-image comparison change detection (direct method) were employed. Post-classification comparison change detection was conducted to reveal the areas that have changed over the period of 26 years.
Urban Change, Urban Sprawl, GIS, Madurai Corporation
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