Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development
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Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, Vol.7, No.2, Jun. 2021, Pub. Date: Jun. 2, 2021
A Study of Environmental Literacy Among Malaysians
Pages: 37-43 Views: 1326 Downloads: 583
[01] Chiam Chooi Chea, Cluster of Business and Management, Open University Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia.
[02] Ng Kar Yee, Faculty of Accountancy and Management, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Selangor, Malaysia.
[03] Chin Yee Xin, Faculty of Accountancy and Management, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Selangor, Malaysia.
[04] Joshua Tan Juat Huan, School of Mathematics Sciences, Sunway University, Selangor, Malaysia.
Environmental is one of the oldest ecosystems on earth. However, due to the rapid development in the world, it has caused severe damage to the ecosystem which leads to global warming, environmental degradation, loss of natural resources, natural disaster etc. For decades, plastic bags have become synonymous to our lifestyle and culture as it helps consumers in many ways. To curtail plastic bags consumptions, the government imposed regional plastic bag levy on selected supermarkets and major retailers which yield mixed results and reactions from the public. With nationwide plastic bag banning on the horizon, it is crucial to understand public awareness towards the proposed approach, including potential alternatives for the impending ban. The issue of environment on its challenges and importance are gaining attention over the years around the world. Environmental literacy covers several issues such as climate change, biodiversity, recycling etc. Nevertheless, this study focuses on the recycling awareness and various knowledge among Malaysians such as the various signs, codes, etc. This study aims to study the literacy of Malaysians on the recycling issues and the results of this study will be able to highlight the awareness level among Malaysians and the future actions to be taken by the government to gauge this issue in Malaysia.
Literacy, Environmental, Recycling, Plastic Bags
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