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Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, Vol.6, No.2, Jun. 2020, Pub. Date: May 31, 2020
Analysis of Distribution and Availability of Drinking Water, in Kigali City of Rwanda
Pages: 25-31 Views: 1293 Downloads: 637
Yasini Bushayija, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Kigali, Rwanda.
Lamek Nahayo, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Kigali, Rwanda.
Abias Maniragaba, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Kigali, Rwanda.
This study assessed the relationship between water production, distribution and its availability to consumers in Kigali city of Rwanda. The researcher applied the secondary data collected from the Water and Sanitation Authority (WASAC) Limited and Nzove Water treatment Plant. These data included water produced and distributed (supplied), and water received (consumed) by consumers. The results indicated that between 2014 and 2018, a total of 97,881,591 m3 was supplied, 64,242,628 m3 was billed (reached customers), which led to a loss of 33,638,963 m3. In addition, across six (6) branches fed by the Nzove WTP, 4,203 cases were recorded due to water inaccessibility, 5,339 cases resulted from water leakage and 7,146 cases were registered as request for information which also can be of water shortage. This was attributed to poor distribution system like old pipeline, damage of distribution system caused by ongoing construction and urbanization activities. Furthermore, the water loss prediction revealed that in 2018, the loss will increase from 65,760, 277 m3 up to 147,960,624.5 m3 in 2030. For successful water distribution, regular monitoring water accessibility among customers would help to ensure that the supplied water reaches its beneficiaries. In addition, involvement of the local community in managing the distribution system and efficient information exchange system for reporting supply related shortfalls would be useful in water management.
Kigali City, Nzove Water Treatment Plant, Water Availability, Water Distribution
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