Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development
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Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, Vol.6, No.1, Mar. 2020, Pub. Date: Feb. 20, 2020
Experimental Evaluation of Sour Gas Stream in a Packed Column in Gas Sweetening Units with Nano Bed
Pages: 6-10 Views: 1347 Downloads: 380
[01] Ahamd Reza Gharibi, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr, Iran.
[02] Arezoo Khosravi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr, Isfahan, Iran.
[03] Farshad Farahbod, Department of Chemical Engineering, Firoozabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozabad, Iran.
Many natural gases are produced from wells containing hydrogen sulphide, sulphur compounds and carbon dioxide. Many different processes are used to treat raw natural gas to pipeline quality. Sulfur is commonly present as an impurity in fossil fuels. The sulfur compounds can threat the pipe lines and all of the devices, severely. In addition, the mechanism of sulphur absorption by nano fluid in a packed bed under the magnetic field is considered, in this study. The experimental and theoretical investigation is done to obtain the outlet amount of sulphur in gas stream. A packed tower which is equipped by nano catalyst is used for sweetening of sour gas. Two gray 20 lit of volume pressurized vessel contain sour gas can be joint to the experimental line. In 40 cm of efficient volume of glass balls with 2.5 cm in diameter are used as the packing. Two meshes are applied for separating the reactor vessel to the three sections. One polymeric weir with mesh size of 0.02 cm is on the top of vessel as a holder to let the only treated gas stream. Results show, the amounts of hydrogen sulfide catch from branch line defined the process performance. The obtained results show, the higher value of friction factor causes higher values of pressure drops. Although the small changes in values of higher friction factor causes harp change in value of pressure drop.
Gas Stream, Nano Bed, Packed Column, Operation Conditions, Sweetening Unit
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