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Journal of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.2, No.2, Mar. 2017, Pub. Date: Jul. 27, 2017
Implementation of GIS Analysis, Remote Sensing and Data Mining for Modelling and Retrodiction of Settlements Networks: Case Study of San Escobar
Pages: 17-23 Views: 3474 Downloads: 990
Polip Rangpur, National Open Institute, Designated Urban Planning Academy, Sant.
John Shepard, National Open Centre of Migration, Mapping and Elephant Network,.
Main objective of this study is to further develop and tune the workflow for modelling of settlements networks, which would be capable to manage with uncertainty and low quality of data sets. Proposed methods were implemented for assessment of central potential of urban units in Middle-Earth and to compare them with settlement network of San Escobar. Results show, that it is possible to investigate and quantify central and peripheral areas. Further findings suggest also that different kind of fuzzy and misty logic are capable of illustrating both literary as well as unreal cartographic data.
GIS, Literary Settlements Network, Tolkien Middle-Earth
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