Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering
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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.1, No.1, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Mar. 21, 2015
Influence of Compost with Reduced Level of Chemical Fertilizers on the Accumulation of Dry Matter in Leaves of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Pages: 1-4 Views: 4822 Downloads: 1492
[01] Imthiyas M. S. M., Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Chenkalady, Sri Lanka.
[02] T. H. Seran, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Chenkalady, Sri Lanka.
A field experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with eight treatments and three replications to evaluate the leaf production of the radish variety ‘Beeralurabu’ as influenced by combined use of compost and chemical fertilizers. The results revealed that 20 t/ha compost alone or 10 t/ha compost + reduced level of recommended chemical fertilizers as basal with recommended chemical fertilizer as topdressing showed statistically similar performance for most of the parameters such as canopy height, leaf area, fresh weight of leaves, dry weight of leaves and leaf production per ha. These two treatments exhibited significant increase (P<0.05) in leaf production (13.61 t/ha, 13.74 t/ha) compared to chemical fertilizers alone as a control (10.24 t/ha). Though 20 t/ha compost + reduced level of chemical fertilizers as basal with topdressing gave highest mean values in all parameters but production cost is high when comparing other two combinations. Further, it was noted that the specific leaf area was lower in plots receiving 20 t/ha compost as basal with chemical fertilizers as topdressing treatment therefore it could be the best choice of fertilizer treatment than chemical fertilizers alone for the better leaf production of radish. Thus, increasing the leaf parameters would increase the production site of tubers.
Compost, Dry matter content, Leaf Area, Radish, Leaf Production
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