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Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Vol.1, No.3, Jun. 2015, Pub. Date: May 7, 2015
University Teachers' Conception of Assessment: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Pages: 75-85 Views: 5823 Downloads: 2446
Marjan Moiinvaziri, Department of English Language, Sirjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran.
Assessment is considered as one of the essential factors influencing students' development and learning approach which requires special consideration. This study has tried to investigate university teachers’ conceptions of assessment using short version of “Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment (TCoA)” inventory (Brown 2006). In addition, the applicability of the teachers’ conception of assessment models, presented by Brown (2008) and Brown & Remesal (2012) in Iranian context has been explored. 147 university teachers filled out the questionnaire. The results showed that most teachers believed in the use of assessment for the purpose of teaching and learning improvement. Teachers showed no difference of opinion with regard to their gender but there was a correlation between years of teaching experience and teachers’ conception of assessment. By the use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), it was concluded that Brown’s model of teachers’ assessment beliefs does not fit the Iranian context.
Assessment Beliefs, University Teachers, Model Comparison, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
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