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Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Vol.2, No.1, Feb. 2016, Pub. Date: Jan. 21, 2016
A Critical Analysis of Attitudes Among Preparatory Year Jazan University Students Towards English
Pages: 1-7 Views: 2982 Downloads: 887
Syed M. Reza, Engineering College, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
This study focuses on a critical analysis of attitudes amongst preparatory year Jazan University students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia towards English in a predominantly Arabic Language Context. The purpose of this study is the gage whether these attitudes are positive. This is done by conducting questionnaires and focus group interviews with my students from the preparatory year of the Engineering College. Three themes are predominantly covered here; namely the importance of English as a precursor to positive attitudes among students, the role of the education system on their attitudes and lastly socio-linguistics and its role in the development of positive attitudes. The attitudes were generally found to be positive. There were however some reasons for not harboring positive attitudes. Many of them were found to be sociolinguistic in nature such as the rural versus urban binary and the lack of immersion in society. For reasons of graduation and employment, many students generally found that English was of importance. This study will enable course designers and educators to customize their lessons for many Saudi students.
Attitudes, English, Arabic, Urban, Rural, Students, Education, Positive
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