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Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Vol.1, No.5, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Oct. 19, 2015
Semiotics of Everyday Life Cultural Structures
Pages: 170-174 Views: 2780 Downloads: 2627
Marina Yu. Ryabova, Translation Department, Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia.
The paper deals with linguistic analysis of cultural structure semiotics in the space of everyday life language. The goal of the analysis of everyday life discourse is to discover communicative regularities in the context of quotidian communication on the basis of such research methods as metalinguistics, communication, semiotic analyses and cognitive linguistic description. The research is conducted within the discourses of polycode (also called creolized) texts in The New Yorker (2015). The result of this approach was to offer an account of characteristic features of a quotidian discourse such as visualization as a basic semiotic principle of language semiosis. The iconic (visualization) technique in discourse expresses itself in a creolized text, i.e. a polycode text functioning in mass media communication. We analyzed several types of creolization within a text: repetition, additive, emphatic, appositive, integrative and visual centered texts. So, we have presented evidence that a creolized text is a complex sign which combines verbal and iconic information into a structural, meaningful and functional whole with a unique pragmatic force.
Everyday Life Discourse, Quotidian, Cultural Structures, Mass Communication, Visualization, Iconism, Creolized Text, Polycode Text
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