International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research
Articles Information
International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.1, No.4, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 3, 2015
Impact of Gestational Weight Gain on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes‏ Among Pregnant Women Attending Latifa Hospital, Dubai, UAE 2013
Pages: 242-246 Views: 4996 Downloads: 1559
[01] Hussein H., Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[02] Al Faisal W., Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[03] Monsef N. A., Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[04] Abdul Rahim W. M. S., Dubai Health Authority Residency Training Program, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[05] Eshaq A. A., Dubai Health Authority Residency Training Program, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[06] Alram M., Dubai Health Authority Residency Training Program, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[07] Zaher A., Dubai Health Authority Residency Training Program, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[08] Bin Esmail F., Dubai Health Authority Residency Training Program, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[09] El Sawaf E., Health Centers Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[10] Wasfy A., Statistics and Research Department, Ministry of Health, Dubai, UAE.
Background: The amount of weight gained during pregnancy can affect the immediate and future health of a woman and her infant. Objectives: To study the impact of abnormal gestational weight gain on maternal and neonatal outcome. Methodology: A retrospective records review research strategy was adopted through reviewing Patients records Pregnant women of abnormal gestational weight gain during pregnancy in Latifa hospital, Dubai, UAE, April 2013 to April 2014. Results: There was significant association between prenatal BMI and gestatinal weight gain from one side and nationality from the another side. gestational diabetes was more among those who have prenatal BMI equal or more than 30 and the difference was statistically significant. Hypertension also was more among those who have prenatal BMI equal or more than 30 and the difference was statistically significant. Cesarean section mode of delivery was more among those who have prenatal BMI equal or more than 30 and the difference was statistically significant. Abgar score of equal or more than 7 was more among those prenatal BMI less than 25 and the difference was statistically significant. Birth weight of less than 2.5 kg was more among those who have prenatal BMI equal or more than 30 and the difference was statistically significant. gestational diabetes was more among those who have gestational weight gain by BMI equal or more than 30 and the difference was statistically significant. Hypertension also was more among those who have gestational weight gain by BMI equal or more than 30 and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusions: There was important effect of prenatal BMI and gestational weight gain on maternal outcomes such as gestational diabetes and hypertension. There was also effect of prenatal BMI on neonatal outcomes. Recommendations: Prenatal and gestational BMI assessments and monitoring program needs to be developed at maternal services as interventional as well as preventive strategies to assure proper neonatal and maternal outcome among Risky BMI pregnant women.
Gestational Weight Gain, Maternal and Neonatal Outcome, Dubai
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