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International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 13, 2015
Occupational Injuries in Workers of Steel Plant at Visakhapatnam
Pages: 79-83 Views: 3976 Downloads: 1979
Ukey Ujwala U., Dept. of Community Medicine, Maharajah’s Institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS), Nellimarla, Andhra Pradesh (AP), India.
Chitre Dhruv S., Visakha steel General Hospital, Vishakhapatnam, AP, India.
Dantu Padmasree, Department of Biochemistry, MIMS, Nellimarla, AP, India.
Dash Satyanarayan, Dept of Community Medicine, MIMS, Nellimarla, AP, India.
Context: Occupational injuries are a public health problem, estimated to kill more than 300,000 workers worldwide every year and to cause many more cases of disability. Workers employed in basic steel factories are at greater risk for non- fatal injuries and illnesses than workers in other general industry jobs. Aims: To examine the role of different factors like age, job duration, education, marital status, stress etc. in the causation of occupational injuries and to see the nature of injuries. Settings and Design: The study was undertaken in the steel plant at Visakhapatnam Methods and Material: This study included 306 permanent workers who attended the emergency medical center during the study period of the first quarter of the year 2012. Data collection was done by personal interviews to obtain the baseline data that included age, year of experience, education, marital status, habit of smoking or alcoholism and stress at work. Of these 306 individuals, occupational injuries at work place were observed in 66 individuals. Further these 66 workers were analyzed for details of the occupational injuries Statistical analysis used: Percentages, chi- square values, p-values and Odd’s ratio were calculated with the help of SPSS version 17.0. Results: The factors such as age<30 years (OR=1.99), a <5 years job duration (OR=2.33) and stress at work (OR=2.32) were associated with a significantly higher risk of occupational injuries. Conclusions: This study warrants the increased risk of occupational injuries in younger age group, less experienced and at stress workers.
Occupational Injuries, Steel Industry, Workers, Risk Groups
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