Articles Information
International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 10, 2015
A Study on the Prevalence and KAP Regarding Cervical Cancer Among Women Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital in Perambalur
Pages: 71-78 Views: 4529 Downloads: 3705
T. Varadheswari, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital, Siruvachur, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu.
Rahul Hanumant Dandekar, Dept. of Community Medicine, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital, Siruvachur, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu.
T. Sharanya, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital, Siruvachur, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu.
Article title: A study on the prevalence and KAP regarding cervical cancer among women attending a tertiary care hospital in Perambalur. Background: The level of awareness on cervical cancer of the female population of Perambalur is unknown. Nevertheless, it is an important parameter for the development and monitoring of a screening program and for the follow-up of an eventual vaccination against HPV in the future. A positive attitude towards screening for premalignant cervical lesions can help in bringing down the prevalence of cervical cancer. Methodology: Seventy four women attending the OBG department at a tertiary care hospital in Perambalur were comprised the study population. Pap smear test was done for all the women to estimate the prevalence. A questionnaire was prepared and the women were interviewed to assess their knowledge, attitude and practices regarding cervical cancer. Results: Only one of the women had shown uncertain result (ASC-US) on screening cervical cancer. Intraepithelial neoplasia was not detected in any women participants at the end of screening. Twenty seven of the participants had good knowledge. About 56.75% of the study population had satisfactory knowledge while 6.75% had only poor knowledge about cervical cancer, its screening modalities and its significance. The participants had showed 83.78% positive attitude towards cervical cancer screening. The majority of participants were not undergoing screening for cervical cancer. Only 1.35% were found to have good screening practice on cervical cancer with 1.35% of the women having irregular. Conclusion: The study was revealed that though reasonable knowledge about cervical cancer present among half of the women participants, there was a very low screening rate in the community. This was mostly rendered towards the lack of proper infrastructure, facilities and partly towards the hesitation shown by the women.
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