International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research
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International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.4, No.4, Dec. 2018, Pub. Date: Oct. 19, 2018
Psychological Stress for the Female Nurses Working in Hospitals in the Palestine
Pages: 98-105 Views: 2418 Downloads: 669
[01] Mohammad Taha Qtait, Nursing Department, Al Quds University, Hebron, Palestine; Hebron Government Hospital, Hebron, Palestine.
Female nurses representing big number from working force of nurses at governmental hospitals, and many demands that required from them like arrangement between their families, and home responsibility, and the hospital requirement, which eventually increase life stressor. The study goal to assess the psychological stress for the female nurses working in the south region of the Palestine. The methods used in this research quantitative approach. The study population comprised of female nurses in Hebron hospital, and bet jall hospital by giving questionnaires Nursing Stress Scale (NSS) that was designed to measure the frequency and sources of nursing stress experienced by nurses on different hospital units. Result: The level of psychological stress among the participant was mean 1.8 that was moderate. There were relation between the levels of psychological stress and age, Social status, and Family members. There were no statistically significance differences at (α≤0.05) in the level of psychological stress among female nurse's levels of psychological stress among the participant in the two governmental hospital at southern region of West Bank due to income, and hospital. The conclusions the level of psychological stress among the participant was mean 1.8 that was moderate. There were relation between the levels of psychological stress and age, Social status, and Family members.
Psychological Stress, Female Nurses, Hospitals
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