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International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2018, Pub. Date: Jun. 6, 2018
Trending Malnutritional Escape Velocity in Nutritional Dynamics
Pages: 1-6 Views: 1886 Downloads: 557
Md. Abdul Hakim, Department of Food Technology and Nutritional Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail, Bangladesh.
Malnutrition is in great triumph on the helm of galore public health panic in the world. There are abundance of different shaping bid taken to curb malnourishment in different countries by means of different campaigning, discussions, pricessions and talk shows to focalize malnutrition bulk. There are different research to find out the overall malnourishment intensity at different topographic sites in the globe. The intent of the current study is to see the light of riding anchor in view of taking intervention to escape the ongoing malnutrition bulk worldwide. This study can reveal the open secret in choosing the set (Ve)m with the elements iLDC and iGAM in nutritional dynamics to combat massive threat to public health. An all out social planning and policies ahead of malnutrition rebuking movement as rule as the (Ve)m philosophy is in galore demand to carry the day.
Escape Velocity, Lifecycle Dieting Curve, Global Acute Malnutrition, Nutritional Dynamics, Severe Acute Malnutrition
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