International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research
Articles Information
International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.1, No.4, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 20, 2015
Care-Givers' Knowledge and Attitude After Receiving Care in Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Clinics in an Egyptian Primary Health Care Setting
Pages: 227-231 Views: 4146 Downloads: 1207
[01] Ahmed Aly El Ayady, Department of Pediatrics, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
[02] Dorreya Elsayed Meleis, Department of Community Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
[03] Marwa Mostafa Ahmed, Department of Family Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
[04] Rania Saied Ismaiel, Department of Community Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
Aim: to assess care-givers knowledge about children illness and explore their attitude about care provided in Integrated Management of Childhood Illness clinics. Material and methods: Cross sectional study was conducted on sample of care-takers attending Integrated Management of Childhood Illness clinics in Sedi-Bishr family health centre in Alexandria. Questionnaire was developed to assess the degree of care-givers’ knowledge and satisfaction after receiving care in Integrated Management of Childhood Illness clinics. Results: All the attending care-givers were mothers; all of them were generally satisfied with the care provided in Integrated Management of Childhood Illness clinics. More than two thirds of them 69%) had good knowledge about their children illness after clinical examination. Conclusion: Despite being satisfied with care provided in Integrated Management of Childhood Illness clinics, mothers reported some disadvantages of care; an issue that needs further evaluation in order to maximize the quality of provided care in Integrated Management of Childhood Illness clinics.
Under – Five,Integrated Management of Childhood Illness, Satisfaction, Primary health care
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