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International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 11, 2015
A Study of Overweight and Obesity Among Secondary School Students in Dubai: Prevalence and Associated Factors
Pages: 153-160 Views: 4349 Downloads: 2755
Hamid Y. Hussain, Department of Health and Medical Services, Primary Health Care, Public Health Affaires Section, Dubai, UAE.
Al Attar F., Department of Health and Medical Services, Primary Health Care, Public Health Affaires Section, Dubai, UAE.
Makhlouf M., Department of Health and Medical Services, Primary Health Care, Public Health Affaires Section, Dubai, UAE.
Ahmed A., Department of Health and Medical Services, Primary Health Care, Public Health Affaires Section, Dubai, UAE.
Jaffar M., Department of Health and Medical Services, Primary Health Care, Public Health Affaires Section, Dubai, UAE.
Dafalla E., Department of Health and Medical Services, Primary Health Care, Public Health Affaires Section, Dubai, UAE.
Mahdy N., Department of Health and Medical Services, Primary Health Care, Public Health Affaires Section, Dubai, UAE.
Wasfy A., Department of Health and Medical Services, Primary Health Care, Public Health Affaires Section, Dubai, UAE.
Obesity is a major public health problem all over the world. It has become a global epidemic in both industrialized and developing countries. The dramatic increase in the prevalence of obesity among school children is associated with significant health and financial burdens; warranting strong and comprehensive prevention efforts. Objectives: Measurement of the prevalence of overweight and obesity among secondary school students in Dubai and determination of the associated factors. Materials & methods: Multistage stratified random sample was carried out in secondary schools in Dubai. The stratification was based upon region, gender and language. One class from each grade of educational level was selected randomly. The students were subjected to a self-administrated questionnaire that included personal data, family history, and dietary habits. Weight and height were measured .The sample amounted to 1186 students. Results: The results revealed that the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 26.7%, 12.2% respectively. Male encountered a significant higher percentage of overweight & obesity (30.1% &15.4% respectively) than females (23.1% & 8.9% respectively, p<0.05). Non- national students experienced a higher percentage of overweight & obesity (29.2% &12.8% respectively) compared to nationals (20.2% &10.6% respectively) and this was statistically significant. It was found that students in grade ten were more likely to become overweight or obese compared to those in grades eleven or twelve(30.8%, 25.2 % & 22.1% for overweight respectively) and for obesity (15.3%, 10.4% & 9.7% respectively). Stepwise logistic regression analysis delineated five predictors for overweight and obesity. These predictors were in order: eating fast food regularly, positive family history of obesity, male gender, those in tenth grade and non- national students; the associated risks were (OR = 1.44, 1.51, 1.79, 1.72, and 1.41 respectively). Conclusion & recommendations: The present study revealed that overweight and obesity are highly prevalent among secondary school students in Dubai. Urgent and effective community intervention programs are highly required in order to combat this problem.
Overweight, Secondary Schools, Dubai
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