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International Journal of Preventive Medicine Research, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 11, 2015
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Screening, Physical Activity Among Dubai Population, Prevalence and Some Associated Factors
Pages: 146-152 Views: 11716 Downloads: 1076
Hamid Y. Husain, Dubai Health Authority, Primary Health Care, Community Program Services, Dubai, UAE.
Nehad Hassan Mahdi, Dubai Health Authority, Primary Health Care, Community Program Services, Dubai, UAE.
Fatma Al Attar, Dubai Health Authority, Primary Health Care, Community Program Services, Dubai, UAE.
Nagy Hamid, Dubai Health Authority, Primary Health Care, Community Program Services, Dubai, UAE.
Regular practicing of physical activity considered to be one of the easiest and cost effective ways of improving and maintaining health and avoiding diseases like Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and others. Objectives: to study the prevalence of physical activities among Dubai population and the effect of some associated factors, it is also aiming to assess the knowledge, practice, attitudes of Dubai population. Methodology: a cross sectional survey has been carried out upon representative random sample of adult Dubai population age rang (18-65) years, the sample was identified from schools, universities, primary health care centers visitors, governmental offices , commercial Malls and house hold families, sample size was estimated by using epi info soft ware, it was 2226 individuals of different age, sex, income, social class. The questionnaire covered variety of domains like socio-demographic data, Knowledge, attitudes, practice. Importance of physical activates, and reasons of avoidances. Results: the study reveals that about 23.6% of the total sample showed good knowledge about the importance of physical activity and 86.6% showed positive attitude towards practicing physical activities, the study showed that about 34.6% of the total sample are practicing physical activity regularly (prevalence rate among Dubai adult population), the study showed that practicing of physical activity is significantly higher among emirates in comparison with expatriates, highly educated individuals (university and above), and high income people(10000 ED and above), the study showed that the main reasons behind non practicing physical activity were lack of time 47.3%, tiredness and exhaustion 20.1%. un- availability of suitable places 17.3%,. multiple logistic regression analysis revealed significant affect of four factors on practicing physical activities in Dubai, e.g. Nationality odds ratio was 1.49 among Emirates compared to expatriates, Educational level, odds ration was 2.00 among higher education compared with low education (primary school). Awareness and knowledge factor Odds Ration 3.49 and income factor showed higher practicing of physical activity among individuals with high income (10000 and above) compared to low income individuals less than 10000 ED. Recommendations: The study recommend establishing national public health program to approach physical activity problem and developing effective strategies to deal with the causes stand behind this problem like, the time management, offering more facilities, increasing awareness and creating incentive system.
Screening, Cardiovascular Risk, Physical Activity, Dubai Population
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