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International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science, Vol.1, No.5, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 21, 2015
Good VS Bad of Social Media Sharing: How Far are We Willing to Expose Ourselves
Pages: 288-294 Views: 5570 Downloads: 1468
Ahmad Kamal Bin Kamarun Hamidy, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing, University Technology Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Hassan Chizari, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing, University Technology Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
This paper intends to highlight the good and bad of social media sharing applications and websites. In the current age of technology advancement, these social media sharing sites are blooming like mushrooms, especially when newcomers to the social media world are trying to repeat the success story of Facebook, Friendster, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter. The problem with these social media is questionable security of privacy. Though many success stories have been achieved with the help of social media sharing; embarrassment and downfall are no exemptions. This paper features the current big players of the social media sharing world, how they are connected, the current users, and the media type they are sharing. This paper will also discuss on how private and how public the information shared on the social media sharing are. With the aim of protecting privacy this paper wall also highlight suggestion in making connections success story and downfall of too much exposure on social media sharing world. By publishing this paper it is hoped that awareness of social media sharing pros and cons can be spread.
Social Media Sharing, Privacy, Advantages, Disadvantages
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