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International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science, Vol.1, No.4, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 10, 2015
Kuder Richardson Reputation Coefficient Based Reputation Mechanism for Isolating Root Node Attack in MANETs
Pages: 206-213 Views: 3852 Downloads: 992
S. Parthiban, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, DMI College of Engineering, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, India.
Paul Rodrigues, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, DMI College of Engineering, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, India.
In multi-hop networks like MANETs, the mobile nodes relies upon the intermediate nodes for routing the packets. But, the existence of root node attack in an ad hoc environment may degrade the network performance. Hence, the critical issues that could arise due to the existence of root node attack are considered as one of the important research issues to be solved. In this paper, we propose a Kuder – Richardson Reputation Co-efficient based Cooperation Enforcement Mechanism (KRRCM) for mitigating Root node attack based on Kuder – Richardson Reputation Co-efficient (KRRC) that quantifies the reputation level of mobile node. This Kuder – Richardson Reputation Co-efficient is calculated based on second hard reputation. The coefficient value obtained through KRRCM approach reflects an individual root node’s behaviour in relation to cooperation, so that the particular node can be selected as core point for group communication. The performance analysis of KRRCM carried out based on ns-2 simulator and the proposed KRRCM approach outperforms the existing mechanisms by increasing the packet delivery ratio and throughput by 23% and 28%, while decreasing the control overhead and total overhead in an average by 18% and 29% respectively. Further, KRRCM ideally mitigates the root node attack at a faster rate of 32% than the considered benchmark mechanism considered for investigation.
Root Node Attack, MAODV, Kuder – Richardson Reputation Co-efficient, Threshold Detection Point, Group Communication, Packet Drop Variance
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