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International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science, Vol.4, No.4, Dec. 2018, Pub. Date: Dec. 21, 2018
A Hybrid Technique Between BOSOM and LSTM for Data Analysis
Pages: 128-138 Views: 1525 Downloads: 617
Kernan Mzelikahle, Computer Science Department, National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
John Trimble, Industrial Engineering Department, Tshwane University of Technology, Tshwane, South Africa.
Dumisani John Hlatywayo, Applied Physics Department, National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
In the field of machine learning, many applications require techniques that are able to respond in real time. However, such abilities are usually achieved by trading off the accuracy rates in favour of good time complex performance. The Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) is a typical example where the technique provides good time complex performance, yet it has fairly low accuracy rates. The Bat Optimised Self Organising Map (BOSOM), on the other hand, is a relatively slow processing technique for unsupervised classification problems; however, it has fairly high accuracy rates. In this paper, a hybrid technique between the standard LSTM network and BOSOM, for use in time and space unconstrained applications, is proposed. The objective of the paper is to demonstrate that higher accuracy rates and higher recall rates are better achieved by striking a balance between turn-over time and exhaustive learning. To achieve generalisation of performance of the BOSOM-LSTM model, datasets of varying sizes from multiple domains are used. The results in this paper show that the BOSOM-LSTM hybrid model has considerably better accuracy and recall performance compared to other considered techniques. This performance establishes good ground that the BOSOM-LSTM hybrid technique is a competitive technique that can be used in application areas that require high accuracy and high reliability.
Long Short Term Memory, Bat Optimised Self Organising Map, Artificial Neural Networks, Unsupervised Learning
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